
What is Urolift? How is it done?

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Thanks to technological developments, we are able to offer our patients effective treatment and a quick return to social life. For this purpose, minimally invasive methods, that is, the least invasive methods, are preferred. Urolift is one of the minimally invasive methods used in the treatment of benign prostate enlargement.

What is Urolift?

It is a form of treatment that hangs the urethra, which is compressed by the enlarged prostate tissue (lift word meaning), thus widening the urinary canal and relieving the complaints of the patients.

How is Urolift done?

The procedure is performed under anesthesia (local, periprostatic block, sedation or spinal anesthesia). A thin instrument with a camera called a cystoscope is entered through the external urinary canal, and the prostate is examined. It is seen that the lateral lobes of the prostate block the urethra. Suspension implants are placed into the prostate tissue with a special tool (applicator) at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions in the prostate tissue 1.5 cm below the bladder neck. One end of these implants advances with a needle towards the prostate capsule and is in nitinol structure. Its end on the urethral mucosa is made of stainless steel and the two ends are connected by an insoluble thread. It is observed that the prostate tissue between these two ends is compressed in a sense and the urinary canal is opened. Depending on the shape of the prostate, 2 or 4 implants can be placed.

Patients can return home the same day after the procedure. A catheter can be inserted for a few days for those who have severe bleeding after the procedure. Apart from that, the probe is not inserted during the routine procedure. There may be slight bleeding and burning in the urine. After a short time, they can return to their normal daily activities.

Who Is Urolift Applied To, Who Is It Suitable For?

Those who do not benefit from prostate drug treatments or who discontinue the treatment due to drug side effects

Those who do not want drug or TUR-P treatment due to sexual side effects (such as inability to ejaculate or backward ejaculation, erectile dysfunction)

Those who cannot receive general anesthesia

For whom is Urolift not an appropriate treatment method?

Patients with prostate larger than 100gr

Patients with a high bladder neck

Patients with a median (middle) lobe

What are the Side Effects of the Urolift Method?

Burning in urination (20%) and bleeding (10%) are the most common complaints, but sudden urgency, inability to urinate, pelvic pain, urinary tract infection are temporary side effects that can be seen. They usually disappear within a few weeks.

Do Implants Prevent Prostate Surgery in the Future?

Although patients benefit in the first years, additional treatment may be needed in the following years. Implants placed in prostate tissue do not prevent post-treatment.

Is there a need for additional treatment after Urolift Treatment?

Prostate tissue continues to grow with age. Unfortunately, the applied process may lose its effectiveness over time and additional treatment may be needed:

5% of patients at the end of the 1st year,

10.7% of patients at the end of 3 years,

At the end of 5 years, 13.6% of patients need another surgical treatment.

At the end of 5 years, 10.7% of patients start drug therapy.