Dr. A. Kadir Tepeler, MD - Istanbul Urology Specialist


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Prostate Enlargement

Benign prostatic enlargement, which commonly occurs in advanced ages, occurs when the glands in the inner part of the prostate enlarge to narrow and compress the urethra under the bladder. Thus, a resistance against the urine flow occurs. As a result, the patient has to contract his bladder more when urinating. Therefore, the quality of life is also damaged. Benign prostate enlargement can manifest itself with symptoms such as difficulty urinating, decrease in urine pressure, intermittent urination and frequent urination.


Couples who have sexual intercourse for 12 months and are not protected by any method may not be able to have children, and this is called infertility. In cases where no pregnancy has occurred before, primary infertility and if 1 or more pregnancies have occurred whether or not a child has occurred as a result, this is also called secondary infertility. Infertility may occur due to tube obstruction, chocolate cyst, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovulation disorders or early menopause. Infertility can occur from both women and men.

Reproductive Health
Sexual Health

A healthy sex life also means a healthy and happy life. That's why it's important for men and women to act constructively and take precautions for all kinds of sexual health problems. Now, physical mental and sexual health problems can be eliminated to a great extent. Therefore, there is no need to delay any treatment process. The sexual health problems that may arise are as follows: decreased sexual desire, sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, female orgasm disorder, vaginismus, premature ejaculation, etc. Today, the treatment process can be performed individually as well as in pairs.

Kidney, Ureter and Bladder
Stone Diseases

Urinary tract stones and kidney stones, which are extremely painful, can now be treated easily with the development of technology. In stone diseases, patients usually present with symptoms such as severe pain in the side areas, nausea and vomiting, recurrent urinary tract infections and loss of appetite. Ultrasonography is generally used in the treatment of stone diseases. There are different methods used in the treatment of stone diseases. These methods include lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, percutaneous stone surgery and open surgery. Holmium laser application has also become widespread in recent years.

Urological Cancers

The most common types of urological cancers encountered in patients are usually kidney cancer, urinary tract cancer, urinary bladder or bladder cancer, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. If these urological cancers are diagnosed at an early stage, it may be possible to eliminate them. Heavy smokers constitute the primary risk group for urological cancers. At the same time, canned foods and foods made in barbecue fire can also trigger urological cancer types. There are treatment methods with a 100 percent success rate after early diagnosis in all types of cancer, and surgical intervention is not required in the early period.

Children & Women and
Reconstructive Urology

The concept of reconstructive means restoring organs that have impaired function. In women, kidney problems such as miscarriage, bladder problems such as urinary incontinence and bladder prolapse, urinary tract problems such as stenosis and frequent infections, vaginal problems such as vagina, lip aesthetics and orgasmic disorder are included in this area. In children, kidney problems such as kidney stones and infections, bladder problems such as urinary incontinence or difficulty making, testicular problems such as circumcision and urinary hole disorders, and finally vagina problems such as lip closure are also included in this area.

Working in the European Urology Association (EAU) Young Academic Urologists Urolithiasis working group between 2011-2014, Dr. Tepeler has been serving on the European Association of Urology Stone Diseases Guide committee since 2014.