Sagging in Genital Organ (Vaginal Prolapse) – Dr. Tepeler

Sagging of Genital Organs

In women, organs such as the bladder, pelvis, and small intestine may protrude from the vagina. This situation, which is called genital organ prolapse, develops due to difficult birth or diseases that increase intra-abdominal pressure.

These problems, which can occur in the pelvis, intestines and bladder, are among the problems that affect daily life closely and reduce patient comfort. Therefore, it requires urgent treatment. So what causes genital organ prolapse and how is it treated?


What is Sagging in Genital Organs?

In women, there are ligaments that fix the organs in the genital area. These ligaments have limited mobility and allow the organs to stay in their proper position. Many or difficult births and factors such as old age cause weakening of these bonds.

As a result, the organs fixed by the ligaments begin to hang out of the vagina. This condition is called genital organ prolapse and is divided into types within itself. In genital organ prolapse, organs such as the bladder, the last part of the large intestine and the uterus are displaced within the vagina.

In some patients, uterine prolapse is extremely prominent and can be palpated at the mouth of the vagina. This type of sagging is called "Desensus Uteri".

In some cases, the uterus hangs out completely, which is called "Total Prolapse".

If the sagging organ is the bladder, the disease is called “Cystocele”, in this case the bladder near the anterior wall of the vagina becomes bulging and moves outward.

Movements such as coughing and sneezing trigger the severity of sagging.

Large intestine prolapses are called “Rectocele”, this occurs with the rectum bulging on the back wall of the vagina.

In summary, the organs normally located in the pelvis shift towards the uterus and vagina due to the weakening of the muscles. In advanced cases, sagging is very clear and evident.

This problem should be treated for patient comfort and general health.

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Who Sees Sagging in Genital Organs?

Genital organ prolapse, which is a problem that concerns women, usually develops in women who have had a difficult birth history or who have given multiple births. In addition, weakening of the ligaments in the genital area due to aging can also cause this type of disease.

Conditions such as aging, tearing and separation of the connective tissues that fix the genital organs cause organ sagging.

However, in some cases, organ prolapse may occur in women who have never given birth and who have given birth by cesarean section. The most common symptoms of the disease are:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen when standing, coughing or sneezing
  • Pain during straining
  • Urinary incontinence, incontinence
  • The appearance of the structure that curves outward from the vagina

Genital Organlarda Sarkmaları Hangi Sıkıntılara Yol Açar?

Genital organ sarkmalarında doğum önemli bir faktördür. İdrar kaçırma, idrar yaparken zorlanma, idrar torbasını tamamen boşaltamama, büyük tuvaletini yapamama ve kabızlık gibi çok sayıda probleme neden olur. Bu problemler sosyal hayatı da yakından etkiler.

Kişinin kendine güveni azalır ve kişi sosyal ortamlarda bulunmaktan kaçınır. Devamında çeşitli psikolojik sorunlar ve depresyon gibi problemler de hastalığa eşlik eder.

Ayrıca idrarını ve tuvaletini düzgün yapamama, çeşitli böbrek sorunlarına yol açabilir. Cinsel hayat olumsuz şekilde etkilenir ve kişi evliyse evliliğinde sıkıntılar yaşamaya başlayabilir.

Bir dizi sorunun ilk habercisi olan genital organ sarkmalarının ilk fark edildiği andan itibaren hızlı şekilde tedavi edilmesi gerekir. Aksi halde sorun ilerleyerek daha ciddi problemlere yol açabilir.

How to Treat Sagging of Genital Organs?

A specialist doctor should be consulted for the treatment of genital organ sagging. Thus, the disease can be treated before it goes further. First of all, it is important to establish the correct diagnosis. For this, various examinations and tests are carried out. The patient is then taken into surgery.

Different methods have been defined as the surgical technique. So far, explicit and implicit methods have been defined. Open methods are usually performed by entering through an incision in the abdomen.

In the technique defined in recent years (Extraperitoneal sacrocolpopeski TURC method), the sagging uterus is suspended with a patch without touching the abdominal organs. Thus, patients can be discharged the next day.

In the laparoscopic or robotic procedure, the arms placed in the abdomen and the sagging uterus are suspended in the same way.

The sagging of the urinary bladder and breech end can be corrected by vaginal surgery. Mid-urethral sling surgery can also be performed for patients with stress urinary incontinence during the same procedure.

Genital organ prolapse surgery is a successful operation. For this, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor as soon as the symptoms of the problem begin to be observed. This makes the treatment process quite easy and comfortable. In addition, various methods can be applied to avoid possible problems.

Gaining habits that increase the standard of living, such as losing excess weight, not lifting heavy, not smoking and eating healthy, minimizes the risk of disease.

It is also very important in women's health to have routine controls and tests that detect problems in the genital area. In this way, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases is possible.

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